Fantastici Quattro nr. 37 (2021)

Capitan America & i Vendicatori nr. 6 (1990)
Capitan America & i Vendicatori nr. 5 (1990)
SKU: F00430
Categories: Captain America & the Avengers 1990 [COMPLETE], Comics Collection
Tags: artist John Byrne Marvel Universe
Captain America & The Avengers 5
Editor: Star Comics
publication date: May 1990
cover price: Lire 2.300 (€ 1,19)
Cover: John Byrne & Joseph Rubinstein
contains the following stories:
Captain America vol. 1 nr. 251"The mercenary and the madman"Original Editor: Marvel Comicspublication date: November 1980pencil: John Byrnestory: Roger Sterninks: Joseph Rubinsteincolors: Robert SharenBatroc breaks Mister Hyde out of prison.
The Avengers vol. 1 nr. 214"Three fallen angels"Original Editor: Marvel Comicspublication date: December 1981pencil: Bob Hallstory: Jim Shooterinks: Dan Greencolors: Robert SharenHank Pym is in crisis due to abandonment by the Avengers and his wife.
Alpha Flight vol. 1 nr. 6"Blinded by the snow"Original Editor: Marvel Comicspublication date: January 1984pencil & story: John Byrnecolors: Andy YanchusSnowbird confronts Kalomaq and defeats him.
Alpha Flight vol. 1 nr. 7"The importance of being called ... death"Original Editor: Marvel Comicspublication date: February 1984pencil & story: John Byrnecolors: Andy YanchusNorthstar accompanies his sister Aurora to Dr. Blossom, a psychiatrist.
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