The Sleep of Reason
Editor: EF Edizioni
publication date: March 2011
cover price: € 9,50
Cover: Rafa Fonteriz
contains the following story:
The Sleep of Reason
publication date: 2004
story and pencil: Rafa Fonteriz
Gorgeous grayscale story.
The story is told from the point of view of the protagonist, a young artist.
In the first part she is reminiscing about school times with a friend.
The girl tells her about her relationship with the painting teacher, which ended when she saw him with another woman.
The story brings to Candela's mind a vacation a few years earlier, looking for inspiration in the countryside.
On the shore of a lake she meets an old painter, who compliments her on her sketches.
The girl is intrigued by the old artist and shortly after, when she meets Pablo, she decides to follow him to the painter's house.
Pablo caught her bathing naked, but remains cold towards her.
Once they reach the painter, they find him intent on painting a beautiful dark-haired woman, whose name is not revealed.
The woman is naked and pushes Candela away, because now she has to pose.
That evening he has dinner with Pablo and drinks a little too much.
The memories are confused, but she believes she had sex with the man, but she doesn't know if in the tavern or in the bedroom.
The next day the model comes to visit her and apologizes for the behavior of the day before, inviting her to dinner at her house.
Immediately afterwards Candela sees the woman entering a hotel with Pablo and imagines they are making love.
Let her imagination run wild in some erotic drawings.
At dinner the woman asks to pose for Candela and they end up making love.
A little later, Pablo also joins them.
Once again the memories are confused, due to the wine they drank at dinner.
The next day history repeats itself and Candela begins to fear for her mental health.
The painter reveals that he had met the woman many years before, when he was young, but she never aged and after the first time she never made love to him again.
He suggests Candela to flee while there is time, then attacks her partner, kills Pablo and rapes her.
Candela runs away distraught, only to be found the next day by a friend, with no trace of the painter, the woman or their home.
The experience pushes Candela to become a painter, leaving her previous job.
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