The Authority Volume 5
Hard Reality
Notorious Book nr. 13
Editor: Magic Press
publication date: November 2007
cover price: € 11,50
Cover: Dwayne Turner, Sandra Hope & David Baron
contains the following story:
The Authority vol. 2 nr. 0
“Raising the Ante”
Original editor: DC Comics
Wildstorm Production
publication date: 2003
pencil: Dwayne Turner
story: Robbie Morrison
inks: Sal Regla & Sandra Hope
colors: David Baron
Earth is attacked by strange aliens, which the Authority manages to repel.
They discover that they were sent by an interdimensional casino, which has been placing bets on the destruction of the Earth.
The team manages to stop them and destroys the casino.
The Authority vol. 2 nr. 1
“Reality Inc. (part 1)”
Original editor: DC Comics
Wildstorm Production
publication date: 2003
pencil: Dwayne Turner
story: Robbie Morrison
inks: Sal Regla
colors: David Baron
Authority attacks some Kaizen Gamorra clones who have turned to piracy and human trafficking.
Authority stops the pirates and frees their slaves, who, however, fear Authority more than the pirates.
Terrorists attack Earth from the Bleed, seemingly for no reason.
The terrorists are linked to a mysterious interdimensional society, a criminal corporation that operates in multiple universes, “Reality Inc.”
Despite their actions saving the world several times, public opinion begins to turn against the Authority.
The Authority vol. 2 nr. 2
"Reality Inc. (part 2)"
Original editor: DC Comics
Wildstorm Production
publication date: 2003
pencil: Dwayne Turner
story: Robbie Morrison
inks: Sal Regla
colors: David Baron
Authority stops interdimensional terrorists and captures one alive.
The man is a living bomb, like his companions, but he explains to the group that his hatred towards Earth is linked to Reality Inc.
Authority discovers that the Corporation's leaders are actually human.
The discovery exposes the group to attack by Reality Inc, directly on Career.
The Authority vol. 2 nr. 3
"Reality Inc. (part 3)"
Original editor: DC Comics
Wildstorm Production
publication date: 2003
pencil: Dwayne Turner
story: Robbie Morrison
inks: Sal Regla
colors: David Baron
Authority is attacked by insectoid monsters (some genetically modified leaders of Reality Inc.).
Only Jenny Quantum's power can stop them, but Swift is captured.
Authority contacts the head of Reality Inc and learns that he is a former mafioso from the 1930s, who has merged with interdimensional travelers.
The fusion gave him great powers and perverted the peaceful intentions of the alien race.
Engineer traces Swift's signal to the Corporation headquarters and begins the counterattack.
The Authority vol. 2 nr. 4
"Reality Inc. (part 4)"
Original editor: DC Comics
Wildstorm Production
publication date: 2003
pencil: Dwayne Turner
story: Robbie Morrison
inks: Sal Regla
colors: David Baron
Authority manages to destroy the Reality Corporation, Inc., only thanks to the sacrifice of the alien terrorist.
Swift, despite having grown fond of him and understanding his motivations, agrees to kill him to make him explode.
The explosion causes a chain reaction that destroys Reality Inc.
The Authority vol. 2 nr. 5
Original editor: DC Comics
Wildstorm Production
publication date: 2003
pencil: Tan Eng Huai
story: Robbie Morrison
colors: David Baron
Kuala Lumpur is attacked by a giant monster and the Authority steps in to stop it.
During the fight they discover that it is a child, who has activated his powers to protect himself from his father's abuse.
Doctor comes into contact with the child and forces him to face his fears (the abusive father who killed).
The trauma pushes the child into a catatonic state, but the threat has been stopped.
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