Ultimates nr. 41
Editor: Panini Comics
publication date: July 2009
cover price: € 3,00
Cover: David Finch
contains the following stories:
Ultimates 3.5
"Sex, lies and DVDs (part 5)"
Original Editor: Marvel Comics
publication date: November 2008
pencil: Joe Madureira
story: Jeph Loeb
colors: Christian Lichtner
Third season of the Ultimates.
Last issue.
Hank Pym reveals how one of his Ultron robots was manipulated by Wanda, making him fall in love with her. the robot evolved into a duplicate of Pym himself (the Bumblebee), who killed Wanda out of jealousy and then built robotic duplicates of all the Ultimates.
The Ultimates Ultron attack The Ultimates and the Brotherhood in the Wild Land.
Mastermind and Pyro attempt to rape Valkyrie, but she kills them. To awaken the heroine a mysterious character, who has given her current powers.
Wasp, Iron Man and Ant-man reach the Wild Land and explain to Magneto who killed Wanda.
Hawkeye loses control and attempts to kill Magneto, but Quicksilver stands in the way and dies in his place.
Magneto goes mad and steals Thor's hammer (??), fleeing.
In the finale it turns out that the Ultron robots were actually built by Doctor Doom.
Final Chaos, designed to introduce the Ultimate Final Chapter.
Ultimatum Chapter One
"Ultimatum (part 1)"
Original Editor: Marvel Comics
publication date: January 2009
pencil: David Finch
story: Jeph Loeb
inks: Danny Miki
colors: Steve Firchow
Ultimate Ultimate Miniseries featuring all the characters from this universe.
Superheroes are all relaxed when the weather turns mad and a tsunami hits New York.
Johnny Storm and his father immediately drown, as do Dazzler, Nightcrawler and Beast.
Reed Richards, who was about to ask for Susan Storm's hand, believes her dead and attacks Namor, suspecting him of causing the tsunami. He defeats him, but after discovering that he is not the cause.
In Latveria, Doctor Doom has lost all his people due to a sudden glaciation and craves revenge.
Charles Xavier feels all those deaths in the world and discovers that Magneto has reversed the magnetic poles of the Earth, starting his revenge for the death of his children.
The pinnacle of drama in the final miniseries.
Only the principle of a devastating escalation (contemporary and similar to the closure of the Wildstorm universe)
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